Join us on July 18th for a webinar on CI/CD Pipeline Optimization with APIs & K8s. Register now
Get Early Access to

Blackbird API Development Platform

Beta Program

We are looking for developers and development teams to join us in using Blackbird before GA.

We are committed to making products “by developers, for developers,” and Blackbird is poised to make high-quality API development quick and painless.

Be the first to gain access to the beta platform and the developers behind it to provide feedback and make requests. Click below to get enrolled.

Early Bird Program

Organizations looking to be at the forefront of API development–producing high-quality APIs faster and simplifying API Management–are invited to exclusive early access to Blackbird through the Early Bird program.

In addition to accessing a direct line to our product development team for your engineers, your company can earn a significant discount on the new subscription. Contact us for more.

Intellyx Awards Ambassador for Blackbird API Platform

Esteemed industry analysts at Intellyx received a sneak peek briefing of Blackbird and awarded Ambassador a 2024 digital innovator recognition for the new API development Platform.

Get Early Access to Blackbird

The Ambassador team has developed a new product that combines the power of AI with our expertise in multi-cluster and cloud-native tools. This cloud and CLI-accessible platform is designed to simplify and accelerate API development. The product called Blackbird, is suitable for any organization leveraging APIs to grow their business.

We are currently looking for early adopters to join the Blackbird Beta or Early Bird pre-sale program and get started now with 10x API development: instant API design and coding, fast, easy API mocking, as well as advanced API testing and debugging.

We'll consider you a founding member in the movement to transform API development, driving innovation and productivity in your organization. Get started before anyone else.

To learn more about our other products including Edge Stack and Telepresence, schedule a demo.