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Ambassador Simplifies the Microservices Life Cycle & Accelerate Application Development. Its developer-friendly tools, Telepresence and Edge Stack, allow teams to iterate faster and manage their API gateway with scalability and security.

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Press Releases

Datawire Accelerates Microservices Testing and Minimizes Costs by Reducing Inner Dev Loop Delays for Kubernetes

BOSTON, March 31, 2020 -- Datawire, the company behind the fastest growing Kubernetes-native API gateway, Ambassador, today announced the newest release of Edge Stack API Gateway that is designed to speed up the inner development loop. The new Service Preview capability uses fine-grained layer 7 control to allow multiple developers to code locally and preview changes as if the changes were part of the live cluster. By eliminating the need to build and deploy containers in each cycle of the inner development loop, Service Preview enables greater developer happiness and productivity on Kubernetes. Moreover, Service Preview slashes development-related cloud operating expenses by eliminating the need to maintain multiple, duplicative developer environments. Organizations are moving to microservices, which enable smaller, more agile teams, more frequent releases, and continuous experimentation. Microservices support faster outer development loops, but containers, which are used to deploy microservices, introduce additional steps that slow inner development loops. The inner development loop is the iterative process that a developer performs when they write, build, and debug code. Unfortunately, this inner loop process, when used with microservices, introduces two new problems. First, to test their changes as part of a greater application, developers must build, upload, and deploy their containers. As developers have learned, this process can add several minutes to each cycle. Given that developers run these inner development loops as many as 25-75 times a day, adding several minutes to each run imposes a high productivity loss to the development team.

March 31, 2020 | 7 min read