
The latest posts and insights about Ambassador Labs - our products, our ecosystem, as well as voices from across our community.

API Gateway

Understanding Envoy Proxy HTTP Access Logs

Edge Stack API Gateway uses Envoy Proxy as its core L7 routing engine. Envoy Proxy provides a configurable access logging mechanism. Edge Stack uses the default format string for Envoy’s access logs. These access logs provide an extensive amount of information that can be used to troubleshoot issues. Reading Edge Stack Access Logs You can read the log file using kubectl logs:

March 22, 2021 | 4 min read

Developer Experience

How Internal Developer Advocacy Leads to Improved DevEx

Developer relations (DevRel) is, as most tech organizations and developers know, a wide-ranging discipline that demands a multidisciplinary approach to achieve its aims – communication and feedback. But what about internal developer advocacy? In this article, we will explore how internal developer advocacy shapes developer experience, makes developers be successful and helps deliver on organizations' goals. Inside-Out: What is Developer Relations? Bridging the gap between technology and user adoption, DevRel is hands-on in driving numerous two-way street activities aiming to advance engineering skills and product engineering. DevRel carries the voice of an organization and its products to developers (and by extension, to engineering teams) and collects and shares the voice of the developer community back to the organization to catalyze product improvements. These activities vary but usually include:

March 15, 2021 | 17 min read


A Low Friction Development Workflow for Kubernetes Services

A basic development workflow for Kubernetes services lets a developer write some code, commit it, and get it running on Kubernetes. It's also important that your development environment be as similar as possible to production, since having two different environments will inevitably introduce bugs. In this tutorial, we'll walk through a basic development workflow that is built around Kubernetes, Docker, and Envoy/Ambassador. Your cloud infrastructure This tutorial relies on two components in the cloud, Kubernetes and Ambassador. If you haven't already, go ahead and set them up.

March 15, 2021 | 6 min read

Telepresence, Kubernetes

Simplify Kubernetes Application Integration Testing with Telepresence

Cloud native applications are often composed of various microservices. More often than not, these microservices work interdependently and communicate with each other to process larger business requests. As an example, a timeline service for a social media application may need to talk to a user profile service to determine a user's followers; and at the same time may need to talk to an authentication service to determine the authentication state of a user. Because of this multi-directional, service-to-service communication that happens between microservices, it is crucial to perform integration testing on microservices before deploying any changes because unit testing alone doesn't always provide guarantees about the behavior of the application in the target environment (for interested readers, “Why do Integration Testing?” has more details.)

February 26, 2021 | 11 min read

Kubernetes API Gateway

Http 3: Everything You Need to Know

The Hypertext Transfer Protocol, more commonly known as HTTP, is a protocol used to exchange data on the world wide web. HTTP/3 is the latest evolution of this protocol, and it has been designed to reduce latency and increase resilience when compared to the existing HTTP/1 and HTTP/2, especially over lossy networks that regularly see high packet loss such as mobile connections and those seen in IoT and emerging market use cases. In order for a site to serve end-to-end traffic over HTTP/3, both the clients and servers must support the protocol. The good news is that HTTP/3 is being rapidly adopted and is already supported by 73% of running browsers and over 25% of websites . Implementing HTTP/3 in your applications is not trivial without an ingress, proxy, or API gateway that fully supports the final HTTP/3 RFC specification . The Google and Envoy Proxy teams have led the way with implementing and testing HTTP/3, as highlighted in a recent podcast with Alyssa Wilk, Senior Staff Software Engineer at Google and committer on the Envoy Proxy project.

February 9, 2021 | 7 min read
IDE debugger


Use your favorite IDE, debugger, or other Kubernetes tools

Use Your Favorite IDE, Debugger, or Local Tools with Kubernetes Adopting Kubernetes can introduce significant changes and challenges for development teams, but it doesn’t have to mean abandoning the tools that developers rely on. Switching to unfamiliar tools can hinder productivity, making it harder to troubleshoot issues effectively. Problems that could be resolved quickly in monolithic environments may take longer—or become impossible to solve—when transitioning to Kubernetes. If Kubernetes is meant to accelerate development, how can organizations address these challenges without slowing down individual contributors?

December 28, 2020 | 4 min read