Telepresence 2.19.0 Release: Enhanced Customization and Integration

Customizing Your System Tray
Custom DNS using the client DNS resolver
Configuring Your Agent: Registry, Name, and Tag
Telepresence bridges the gap between your local environment and remote Kubernetes clusters, allowing you to develop and debug services as if they were running directly on your machine. Imagine the time saved by avoiding repeatedly building, pushing, and deploying container images just to see changes!
With the latest version of Telepresence, developers can experience even more tools for seamless remote-to-local development.
Customizing Your System Tray
Need more control over your system tray? This latest update grants you full control over Telepresence in your system tray and the Kubernetes contexts it displays. Here's how:
- Toggle Telepresence icon: Enable or disable the icon at will for a streamlined workspace.
- Fine-tune Kubernetes contexts: You can now configure Telepresence to specifically include or exclude Kubernetes contexts within your system tray. How does this work?
- Configuration in : Customize the behavior within the systray section of your
- (optional): Controls whether the system tray icon is shown at all (defaults to
- : Provides a list of Kubernetes contexts that Telepresence will scan for namespaces. If left empty, Telepresence will check all contexts in your
- : Specifies Kubernetes context to ignore, keeping your system tray organize
Custom DNS using the client DNS resolver
If you've had trouble with routing and collisions in VPN (particularly when using Istio), this one's for you. The new telepresence connect --proxy-via CIDR=WORKLOAD flag streamlines this process:
- DNS response translation: Translates DNS responses for specific subnets into virtual IPs
- Local use: These virtual IPs can be used locally
- Reverse translation routing: Virtual IPs are routed back through designated workload pods for smooth operation
For more detailed information on this new functionality, you can find it in the Avoiding Conflicts section of the Telepresence Documentation.
Configuring Your Agent: Registry, Name, and Tag
Prior to the latest version update, specifying a new agent image tag or registry in the Helm chart didn't fully override the default fetched from SystemA. This update unlocks full flexibility:
- Independent agent configuration: Set your agent's registry, name, and tag individually
- Customization without limits: Mix and match configuration or leverage Ambassador Cloud for defaults
Note that in 2.19.0 of Telepresence, the version and status commands will now display the image that the traffic-agent will use when injected by the agent-injector. This improvement provides developers with clearer visibility into the configuration and setup of Telepresence, making it easier to manage and troubleshoot their Kubernetes development environments.
Read more details about our latest 2.19.0 release here. To learn more about upgrading to the latest version of Telepresence, check it out here.