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Need help?
If you need help deploying Emissary-ingress at your organization, there are several different options available to you.
Support tiers
Emissary-ingress community support
When running Emissary-ingress, or Ambassador Edge Stack with free community licenses, join our Slack channel to talk with other users in the community and get your questions answered.
If you can’t find an answer there, contact us to learn more about the support options available with Ambassador Edge Stack Enterprise.
Ambassador Edge Stack Enterprise
With Ambassador Edge Stack Enterprise, you have access to deployment and production support. To learn more, contact sales.
Deployment and Update Support: Ambassador Edge Stack can accelerate your migration to Kubernetes, or your upgrade between versions of Ambassador Edge Stack. Deployment support helps you with the Ambassador Edge Stack and Kubernetes migration, before you move to production.
Production Support: We offer two types of production support contracts for users deploying the Ambassador Edge Stack in production. We offer both business hour (8am - 5pm EST, M-F) and 24x7 Sev 1 support for the Ambassador Edge Stack. 24x7 Sev 1 support includes custom hotfix support for production outages if necessary.
File a Github Issue
If you see a bug you want to fix, see room for documentation improvements, or have something else you want to change, you can file an issue on github.
Contact us to learn how we can help, and for detailed pricing information.